plus my "design" bag, and all of my park folding chairs.

yes, that table road shotgun!
(and halfway home I get a phone call that my child was sick at school, so I had to squeeze the poor sick girl into the car and make my way home....just a little blip in the auction trip!)

 The transportation of the goods.....on a recent trip to the auction house....without the trailer, a very messy car, and one child... I was surprised at just how much I had bid on (this was an online auction, can we say DANGEROUS!) 

Anyhoo, I just wanted to show you how a mom with one kid in the car manages to get all of her finds is serious business!

This my friends is what my husband dreads when I pull in the driveway, because HE is the one that gets to help me unload it all....I KNOW he is secretly proud:)

To all of my "collecting" friends out there....does this look familiar????