I am a proud Mac user. I made the switch two years ago and in that time my iMac G5 has never shut off for no reason, never had a system error, never loaded slowly, over time is hasn't slowed down, had a virus...nothing.

Mac users are proud because all the horrible things that happen to regular PCs do not happen to macs. I heard a loose fact a while ago that there are about a million viruses written for PCs every year and only 6 viruses ever have been written for macs, something like that, the theory is people who write viruses use macs.

So I'll always advise people to switch, I've had such horrible experiences with regular PCs and my two year love affair with my mac is still going strong with no signs of waining.

I say all that to say this; Apple just unveiled their new iMac, it's thinner and made of aluminum...check it out.